December 2008

Enjoying the spirit of Christmas at Temple Square. You can see that we are expecting the 3rd member of our family.  Our baby is due on February 22, 2009.  What a great start to a new year for us.   Now that we are learning to blog we can keep you posted when our new arrival comes. 


  1. Marilee! I am so happy you have a blog. I got into this a few months ago after some friends convinced me. Now I can keep up with you! I sent you an email so you can view mine! I hope you are doing all right! I can hardly wait to see pictures of your baby!

  2. I love the new blog!!! I am so excited to see pics of the new little one.

  3. welcome to the blogging world. I'm looking forward to your little one's pictures. Good luck with everything. It can be scary the first time, but you'll be great.
